Tuesday, December 21st, 10:00 am, the court will hear summary judgment regarding the City of Dawsonville's actions in rezoning the property for the Atlanta Motorsports Park.
This hearing is very important and we're asking those who are able, to show up at the courthouse wearing red.
We often hear defeatist talk: "You can't fight City Hall".
We simply must challenge that mindset, especially when officials abuse their authority for the benefit of a few individuals over the welfare of the larger community.
It's not representation to disregard an entire community by annexing property in the form of a slithering snake into the county to gain access to the property of an influential landowner.
There was nothing admirable about the annexation or the plans these people had.
Now, the papers and supporters of AMP are playing up the transient financial impact the construction AMP has had on tiny local businesses, some, businesses we're all too familiar with due to their previous ties to City government projects, yet the papers have not honestly or sincerely dealt with the type of noise and traffic this business will bring to our area, or the devaluation of property and enjoyment thereof.A good suggestion for residents would be to patronize businesses and support business people that respect the people who are the backbone of a community -- the residents, and let the others fend for themselves.